Teaching Staff
Miss Cohen (Class Teacher)
Mrs Chymera (Teaching Assistant)
Useful information - Please bring on the specified days to help us!
Reading Books - Children bring in every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday signed & dated by an adult 3 times. Please check the front of your child's reading record to find their specified date to hand in their reading book.
Homework - Children hand in on Friday.
Homework and Spellings will be given out each Friday.
Spellings tested every Friday
PE - every Monday and Thursday
Please click on the links below to open the documents.
Year 3/4 statutory spelling list
White Rose Maths calculations policy addition and subtraction
White Rose Maths calculations policy multiplication and division
Parent Welcome Meeting - 23/09/24
Curriculum Coverage
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
Phonics in Year 3:
This section outlines the phonics and reading schemes that we use in Year 3.
We deliver 'Essential Letters and Sounds' to children that are working up to Phase 5.
Essential Letters and Sounds is a Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) programme which has been validated by the Department of Education.
Reading - The reading scheme/books that we use are produced by Oxford University Press and are linked to the programme mentioned above.
Children are assigned physical books and eBooks from Oxford Owl weekly. www.oxfordowl.co.uk
Children have their own individual logins to enable them to access books that have been specifically assigned to them in correspondence with their phonics learning in school. The decodable books provide opportunities to practise the letters and sounds taught that week and/or revise previously taught sounds.
Below are some examples of the range of books available:
Little Blending Books Words Sparks Project X Phonics Hero Academy Hero Academy Non-fiction Alien Adventures Traditional Tales Story Sparks and inFact
Further details about our phonics policy and provision can be found on the English subject website page.
A reading book is also given to each child each week for breadth of reading.
Here are some useful websites that we may use: