St Saviour C of E Primary School

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St Saviour C of E Primary School

Striving for excellence whilst caring for all

  1. Our School
  2. Governors
  3. Governor Profiles


Governor Profiles


MRS P ROE - Chair Of Governors



Mrs P Roe - I have been fortunate enough to be involved with this outstanding school for many years.  I was employed as a teacher here for 27 years and both my daughters and granddaughter were educated here.

I served as a Teacher Governor for several years until my retirement in 2012. In 2014 I was appointed as a Foundation Governor by the PCC, in April 2019 I was appointed the Diocesan Governor.

I am Chair of the Curriculum Committee, attend meetings of the Premises Committee and am the link governor for Mathematics.

I am happy and proud to still have a role at this school and the opportunity to continue my lifelong passion to enable every child the ability to achieve their full potential. 








Mrs A Davies - I am a committed individual who has been working in the scientific environment for over 40 years. I managed and owned a microbiological testing laboratory and employed 32 scientists and administration staff. I have since retired from my position as MD but remain as a shareholder. I have a great passion for education and understand first hand how this can impact on everyone. I have always strived to give my employees every opportunity to become who they want to be and have always encouraged this through their education especially those who may have lost their way.

I hope I can bring my skills and experience to the board in helping all the staff and students get the best out of their time at St Saviour by fulfilling my duties and responsibilities as a governor to the fullest. It is a privilege to be invited onto this board and to work with the team. 





Mrs K Burbidge - I wanted to join the governing board to have a voice within the school my children attend, and to give something back to the community I reside in. 

I have a strong connection with the school as I attended St Saviours myself, alongside my sister and cousins, I was brought up just a few doors away and my mother and her siblings also attended St Saviours. 

I have over 12 years of project management experience within a creative industry, including budget management, event planning and HR responsibilities. I'm hoping to have the opportunity to apply my skills to support the school in its development.

I am part of the premises committee.  I am also the link governor with the subject of Science.  St Saviours school is a family with the children's education and well-being at heart.  The ethos of the school is one that is important to me also, and I am proud to have a place on the governing board.


Mrs M Thornley - I have worked at St Saviour since February 2008, employed as a full time HLTA. I have worked predominantly in upper KS2, but also provide PPA cover weekly across the whole of KS2. I have two adult children, and also adopted a little boy in later life who attended St Saviour, as the obvious choice for a warm, family atmosphere where learning and nurturing go hand in hand.

St Saviour is a wonderful place to work and I am very proud and privileged to be a member of a dedicated board of governors, who continually look to move our school forward for the best interests of the children. I firmly believe in our school mission statement, as the children, parents, governors and staff truly do, “strive for excellence whilst caring for all.”


Mrs P Edmondson - My love for St Saviour School began in 2000 when my eldest daughter joined the school, and all 3 of my children flourished during their time here.  I joined the staff team in 2011 and I am very proud to work with such a dedicated team of teachers and support staff, who help to make this such a wonderful, nurturing environment.  My role as governor completes my continued commitment to the school, its ethos and especially its children and their families.





Mrs A Williams - I was asked to join the St. Saviour Governing Body in June, 2019.  I have held a number of leadership roles in primary education for over ten years and have particular interests in Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs and English.  Both my children have thrived at St. Saviour and I am delighted to support this wonderful school community.


Mrs D Bithell - In 2013 I began a year’s sabbatical from my role as Service Manager in a health & social care setting. I had services across Gtr. Manchester and Cheshire and worked with vulnerable adults and children. I was responsible for all front line and admin staff, together with over 2,000 service users. My responsibilities included a plethora of transferrable skills; governance, HR, finance, safeguarding to name but a few. In 2014 my Dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I went back to work to resign and cared for my Dad until his death in 2015.

I am married and am a mum of four children as well as being a Nan to seven grandchildren, two of whom attend St. Saviour. My retirement has allowed me lots of opportunities including becoming an Authorised Lay Minister within the Church of England and helping to run a local toddler group, Bumblebees.

I enjoy serving my community and have been given skills that link into my role of Governor. I am passionate about my faith. If anybody would like to know more please do not be afraid to approach me.



Miss R Roe - I was first appointed Staff Governor in 2015 and currently serve on the Curriculum Committee. I have a long and happy association with Saint Saviour as I attended this amazing school as a child and I firmly believe the values I learnt here stood me in good stead throughout my subsequent career. My daughter also attended this school and was given a wealth of opportunities to enable her to flourish. I worked as a Teaching Assistant at St. Saviour before pursuing a teaching career. I have worked at St. Teresa’s and Masefield before returning to take up a teaching post at St. Saviour. I am extremely proud to still be involved with the school and that I have the opportunity to be a part of a school which has such a special ethos. It’s a privilege to be a part of such a special place.












Mrs C Collinge - I was appointed as a Parent Governor in 2023 and wanted to make a positive impact on my children's school. I am passionate that all children deserve high quality, inclusive education. 

I have worked as a secondary English teacher since 2007 and as such I am particularly keen to promote literacy; a love of reading and the value of life-long learning. 

I’m currently a link Governor for SEND and EDI.





Mrs C Hoolickin - I am fortunate enough to have been brought up in Stoneclough and raise my two young children in our wonderful community . I volunteer in a number of community roles and am honoured to be part of the St Saviour’s governing team. I have worked in public and charity sector organisations for 15 years and understand governance and external regulatory frameworks . I have experience in budgets, leadership development , HR, change management , data analysis and presenting to board level committees.I work in Quality Improvement supporting teams in the NHS to implement changes to improve patient safety and outcomes  . I have a masters in organisational psychology and a keen interest in building better work place culture.Like most of us my priority is to ensure that our children can thrive in a supportive and nurturing environment , whatever their interests and background. I am proud to be part of the St Saviour family and look forward to using my skills to help the school continue to develop.

I have a. Governor link role with ICT, early years and maths and I will be a member of the curriculum and HR/ finance committee.