St Saviour C of E Primary School

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St Saviour C of E Primary School

Striving for excellence whilst caring for all

  1. Class pages
  2. Class 5
  3. Class 5 Photos 2023-24

Class 5 Photos 2023-2024

Trip to BWFC July 2024

Sports  Day 2024

Stockport Air Raid Shelters 

Year 5 have had Bikeability training and have had a great time! Take a look at what they've been up to.

We have had the privilege of having a visit from Grandad Wheels.  The children have learnt so much about disability and listened to lots of funny stories.  Back in class, the children have designed their own futuristic wheelchairs - they have been very creative!  Take a look at some of them. 

Y5 did an amazing assembly for the parents.  It was all about facing challenges, resilience and reaching for the stars!