Year 4 Team
Teacher - Mr Lucas
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Hackett
Special Needs Assistant - Miss Sandland
If you need to contact us you can use the class email address:
This is checked regularly but if the enquiry is urgent then please also contact the school office.
Please follow the Y4 Class Twitter Page
Homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be returned by Tuesday.
PE will be on a Wednesday and Thursday. Children can come to school wearing their PE kits on these days.
Reading in School
Reading books are to be handed in on the day written on the front of the reading record book.
Children are expected to read three times a week for at least 10 minutes. Please write the book title and page number that your child is up to when signing the reading record book.
Please use the school reading bookmark to support you when questioning your child about what they have read. It might be a good idea to keep this somewhere at home so it doesn't get lost/damaged in the school bag.
If you have any questions regarding your child's reading book please make a note of this in their reading record book.
Common Exception Words for Y3/4
Here are overviews for what Year 4 will be learning about in each subject during each term.
This section outlines the phonics and reading schemes that we use in Year Four.
Those children who require a reading intervention are taught following the 'Essential Letters + Sounds' scheme of work. This is a government approved synthetic phonics programme that has its own linked reading scheme. We are still providing books to read at home for depth alongside phonics linked books, where appropriate.
Our home and guided reading books are a mixture of schemes, including: Oxford Reading Tree, Rigby Rocket, Big Cat and Planet X. This is the colour band system we follow:
Dark Blue
Dark Red
Below is a letter explaining what would happen if school was to close again and remote learning be recommenced.