Our School
St Saviour CE Primary School is located in the small residential village of Ringley, which is situated in the south east of Bolton. The school is thriving and very popular. We receive many requests for places at the school because of the popularity of the local area, recent housing development and also due to parents choosing to send their children to this school from further afield.
The current St Saviour, Church of England Primary School was built in 1872 as a Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School, although there has been a St Saviour school on Fold Road since 1640. Throughout its development it has fostered a strong caring approach to Infant and Junior education, delivered via a ‘Christian Family’ approach. The catchment area of what was once a village – but now contains private and local authority estates – has always provided the school with children from caring backgrounds. The Headteacher, Staff and Governors are committed to continue the forward-looking approach of the curriculum, whilst insisting upon high academic standards. As a small school of 210 pupils, St Saviour builds upon the close friendly relationships between staff and pupils, which such a situation offers.
In 1993 the school was extended and the present Year 1 classroom was built on the north end or left hand side of the school and the children were moved out of the hall, which had been a large infant classroom.
A third purpose built reception classroom was opened in 2005, which includes an area for outdoor play. The school also has a separate fully equipped ICT suite with 30 networked computers and an interactive whiteboard.
In 2006 a large new playground was added to the back of the school to cater for the growing numbers of children we have. In 2018 this was extended to include an adventure play area.
In 2008 2 new junior classrooms were opened at the back of school and the Hall was extended.
In 2009/10 all the adult and children toilets were refurbished, the kitchen and office extended and a further classroom built. During the summer of 2011 further building work provided a seventh classroom and a second storey staffroom.
The school buildings currently comprises of:
A two storey building with 7 classrooms, a computer suite, hall and a further 2 resource areas for small group tuition. A quiet outside area and 3 playground areas.
The school has a wonderful association with the local community and relationships with parents are very positive. There is an active PTA, which helps to foster close links with the community and also raises much appreciated additional funding.
All who work at St Saviour CE Primary School endeavour to promote a happy and caring environment where all children are valued and success at any level is celebrated. Together the current staff have worked extremely hard to cater for the needs & talents of all our children.
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our school. All children will be cared for in a safe, secure and happy community. We are all firmly committed to providing the highest standards of academic, spiritual and personal development for all our children.
St Saviour Mission Statement.
Striving for excellence whilst caring for all.
Children arriving at school after 8:45a.m. are given a late mark. Late marks are recorded on your child’s annual report, we ask parents of children arriving late to report to Mrs Hesketh/Mrs Baines in the office so that the child is not missed off dinner and fire safety lists. More than 15 incidents of lateness and/or unauthorised absence in 1 term may result in the issuing of a fixed penalty fine administered by the Local Authority.
We encourage children to arrive on time, but no earlier than ten minutes before the start of school, as there is no playground supervision before school.