St Saviour C of E Primary School

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Fold Rd, Radcliffe, Manchester, M26 1EU


St Saviour C of E Primary School

Striving for excellence whilst caring for all

    1. News
    2. Parking Outside School

    Parking Outside School

    15 March 2024 (by admin)

    Safety Issue

    Please can I remind everyone when dropping off, and collecting children from school, that stopping/parking on the yellow Zig Zags at the front of the school is prohibited between the hours of  8am-6pm.  Disabled badge holders are also kindly reminded to park safely and legally.  

    We are also receiving complaints regarding vehicles parking inconsiderately at school times. This is likely to compromise the safety of children & others on their way to and from school.  The manner in which some of the vehicles are being parked is causing an obstruction to the pavements and roads. This leads to people being put at risk by moving traffic and causes and inconvenience to local residents.  

    Please park with consideration for all our children and other members of the public with regard to safety.

    Junctions should be clear, footpaths should have enough room for a pram/wheelchair to pass without having to walking in the road, and cars parked on opposite sides of the road should leave enough room for any large vehicle such as emergency vehicles to pass through.

    The police have been informed and are monitoring the situation. Enforcement action will be considered for vehicles identified by the Police.

    Thank you